Nutrigea was created by Dr Stefano Scoglio in 1998 as part of a broader project involving a new type of natural medicine, founded on the concept of Primordial Nutritherapy, which deals with both nutrition and nutraceutics. After 20 years of intensive studies and successful researches, many are beginning to realise just how special and unique Klamath algae truly is; but only Nutrigea has been able to harness and develop the great potential of all that this extraordinary gift of nature has to offer, by providing a complete range of products with an vast array of health benefits.
The Nutrigea logo is a flower with 7 rainbow petals: each petal / color represents an area of health, and covers the Nutrigea products relevant for each specific area. While in Italy, where it was born, the line includes many different products, the project to launch Nutrigea in the English speaking world will begin with 9 main products.