The greenish microalgae of Upper Klamath Lake (Oregon – USA)
The Klamath microalgae (scientific name: Aphanizomenon Flos Aquae Ralfs ex Born. & Flah. Var. Flos Aquae) is part of the large family of blue-green microalgae which are the first form of life on the planet and the basis of the entire food chain. All the populations of the past have used blue-green as a source of superior nutrition. The Aztecs reserved wild Spirulina for nobles and warriors, considering it a divine food. Today, the only edible microalga to grow wild in an almost untouched volcanic environment is the Klamath microalga.
LAKE KLAMATH. Lake Klamath is nestled in the Cascade Mountains Park, volcanic mountains that since time immemorial have been pouring volcanic materials into the lake, the bottom of which is enriched by a huge amount of bioavailable minerals, which reaches up to 10 m in height. 300 days of sunshine a year guarantee microalgae great opportunities for photosynthesis; while cold winters push them to produce very important Omega-3 fatty acids.
Lake Klamath is so uncontaminated that it is able to host the highest concentration of bald eagles on the North American continent (together with Alaska); and bald eagles are fundamental ecological markers that survive only in uncontaminated environments.
MICROALGA KLAMATH. The Klamath microalgae, collected with the utmost care and subjected to numerous quality controls, is now harvested with new and superior processing and drying methods, thanks to which it maintains its over 100 of nutrients (14 vitamins, 73 minerals, 20 amino acids, Omega 3 fatty acids) and nutraceutical molecules (phenylethylamine, AFA-phycocyanins, polyphenols, carotenes, chlorophyll, etc.) and improves the concentration to such an extent as to contain 12 relevant LARN vitamins and minerals, i.e. in quantities that can significantly cover them the daily requirement.
THE KLAMATH IMPROVED AND PERFECTED. Nutrigea uses this seaweed as the base of its products, enhancing its properties through extracts and synergies. Thus were born the patented extracts Klamin®, powerful neuro and immuno modulator, and AphaMax®, the extract that concentrates the AFA-phycocyanins, the most powerful natural antioxidants and powerful inflammatory modulators. Since today the nutraceutical properties from Klamath are specifically enhanced in these extracts, dr. Scoglio has also formulated a new product that perfects its nutritional power: MULTINATURAL, which has Klamath as its main ingredient, but which adds a series of plant extracts rich in those specific vitamins and minerals that are less present in klamath.
IMMORTAL PROBIOTICS. Even though probiotics themselves do not belong to the Klamath world, our probiotics are deeply linked to this microalgae. Cyanobacterial microalgae, like Klamath, are actually photosynthetic bacteria, and therefore are close cousins of probiotics. The research of the team of dr. Scoglio then discovered that Klamath and its extracts are very powerful prebiotics, supporting the growth and vitality of bacteria in the cultivation phase, to make these probiotics “immortal”, and capable of eliminating pathogenic bacteria and fungi with extreme efficiency .
MUSHROOM ENZYMES. The dr. Scoglio was the first to bring enzymes of fungal origin to Italy, which have significant digestive and systemic properties, superior to vegetable enzymes such as bromelain or papain. It has now been discovered that the Klamin® extract has additional digestive properties, stimulating the production of gastrin, which activates a series of digestive and metabolic processes, generating further interesting synergies with fungal enzymes.
On this basis, Nutrigea really takes care of your health at 360 °!